Thank you for buying from Johnson Distillers.

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.

Refund / replacement

Johnson Distillers will issue a full refund or replacement of goods in all instances where:

  • products are supplied damaged
  • products you have ordered are returned to Johnson Distillers as undeliverable by the postal service
  • you exercise your cancellation rights and you have cancelled the Contract between us within the 14 day cooling-off period
  • you return your purchase within 14 calendar days of purchase

A refund or replacement will be issued to you following receipt by Johnson Distillers of the returned goods. Such refund or replacement will be provided within 14 days of the date the returned goods are received.

Undeliverable items

If goods are returned to Johnson Distillers as undeliverable, you will be contacted by email for confirmation of the delivery address. If no reply is received within a reasonable period and in any event within 30 days of the receipt by Johnson Distillers of the goods, then a refund will be made within 14 days of that date. Johnson Distillers will not be responsible for re-delivery charges.

Postal charges

The customer is responsible for all postal charges for goods returned under this Returns Policy. The only exception is if the goods were delivered faulty or incorrect. If so, Johnson Distillers will cover the cost of returning your refund.  

Late returns

If we do not receive the returned goods within 35 days of your cancellation, we may make a charge in respect of collecting the goods. If you do not return the goods or fail to make them available for collection within 30 days of your cancellation you will be deemed to have accepted the goods. At this point, a new purchase contract will arise and you will be charged the order price for the goods.

Johnson Distillers may refuse to accept future orders from those who have made previous unsubstantiated claims for non-delivery of goods or for failure to return the goods within the times specified.


Refunds will be limited to the maximum value of the original order, including delivery charges and will only be issued against the same payment details as supplied to pay for the goods. Johnson Distillers reserve the right to proportionately reduce the level of the refund if only some of the original quantity of products is returned, or if it is clear that some of the products have been used. In the case of goods returned under your cancellation right, these must be returned undamaged and unused to qualify for a refund.

For a refund, please write to us at, including a photo of the product showing that it is defective. Give us 7 days to examine the product before we respond to you.

We shall, at our option, repair or replace the defective Product, or refund the price of the defective product in full. To return a defective product, please send to:


You must contact us for instructions before returning items. If they are not suitable for delivery, allow us to collect them from you. Please email us at for a return label or to arrange collection. You must send off the goods within 14 days of telling us about the problem.

Defective goods

Nothing within these Terms and Conditions of Purchase affect your statutory rights regarding the return of defective goods. In the event goods are supplied defective, then you should report this to Customer Service as soon as possible after discovery of the problem.

How to return your goods or wish to make a complaint: 

Simply email with the following information: 

  • Your name  
  • Order number 
  • Order date
  • Confirmation of whether you made an online or in-store purchase
  • A clear photo of the product

We'll then respond with the next steps. 

Contact us

If you have any questions on how to return your item to us, contact us at