Great Whisky Lovers: Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Churchill was known for many things during his lifetime. He was a British statesman, an author, and a historian. He also had a love for whisky. In fact, he once said, “My main task in life is to make sure that when I die there will be no left-hand drawers full of unfinished business.”
Whisky has been around for centuries and has been produced all over the world. The first known mention of whisky is in the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland in 1494. It is believed that whisky was first distilled in Ireland in the late 15th century. Whisky became very popular in the 18th century and there were over 400 distilleries operating in Scotland by 1800.
During World War II, Churchill famously kept a supply of whisky at Downing Street and would often drink it throughout the day. In fact, he once said, “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.”
Churchill’s love for whisky began when he was a young man. He first developed a taste for it while serving as a cavalry officer in India. In those days, officers were allowed to purchase their own liquor and Churchill would often buy bottles of whisky from his club.
When he returned to England, he continued to drink whisky and became friends with several prominent figures in the world of Scotch whisky including Andrew Buchanan and Duff Gordon. Buchanan was the owner of the Glasgow-based blending firm Johnnie Walker & Sons and Gordon was the owner of The Glenlivet distillery.
During World War II, Churchill kept a stash of whisky at Downing Street and would frequently drink it throughout the day. He would often have a glass before breakfast and another one after lunch. In fact, he once said “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.”
Besides being known for his love of whisky, Churchill was also known for his cigars. He smoked cigars daily and even had them shipped to him during WWII when they were rationed in England. He once said “If you are going through hell, keep going."
Sir Winston Churchill was one well-known figurehead not only due to his political career but also because of his love for luxury items such as cigars and Scotch whisky. During World War II, he kept a small stockpile of whisky at Downing Street which helped him get through some tough times during the war effort. His famous quote "If you are going through hell, keep going" speaks volumes about both his character and his determination - two qualities that surely contributed to his incredible career accomplishments. Today, we remember Churchill not only as one of the most important political leaders of our time but also as a man who enjoyed the finer things in life - like a good dram of Scotch whisky!